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0:15 Do you have any advice for Fat dogs?
1:30 My husky is shedding so much, what brushes or tools should I be using?
2:05 How do you deal with ignorant people who insist that shaving a double coated dog is okay?
3:05 Do you have nicknames for your dogs?
3:36 What do you think of Buffalo New York getting all the snow?
3:59 Do you think Huskies make good guard dogs?
4:22 How did you make the gone to the snow dogs song? Who made it?
5:08 My husky is two years old, is that too old to crate train?
5:40 Have you done the DNA test on Oakley?
6:09 Does Shelby freeze in everything you put on her?
6:22 Why doesn’t Oakley like to be petted?
*****DOG FOOD*****
We feed our girls Dr. Tim’s Kinesis. More information can be found at Buy the food at
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P.O. Box 12
Alpena, MI 49707
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