It doesn’t get much cuter then this! The Easter Bunny left some eggs around out backyard for our 3 Huskies to find! The Siberian Husky Easter Egg Hunt of 2014 is on! Can they find them all? Watch the video above to find out!
Now I am sure many of you are asking, how can I do this with my dogs? Well the Easter Bunny doesn’t always like to share his secrets, but I think I figured out how he did it!
First he got some of those plastic Easter Eggs that you can open up. Then he got some awesome smelling treats (these ones were filled with chopped turkey, and chopped hot dogs). Then all you have to do is go hide them for your dogs to find!
A small word of advice, once your dogs find the eggs and get the treats out, be sure to pick up the eggs so they don’t break them. And be sure never to allow them to hunt Easter Eggs while unattended! If you dog is a very aggressive chewer, then this probably won’t be the best game for them. As a substitute, you can use REAL Eggs. Yes, you can either hard boil them, and peel them, then hide those for them to find. I would only do 2 – 3 depending on the size of your dog, or cut them half so they have more pieces to find. Also, instead of boiling them, you can give them raw uncooked eggs (do this at your own risk!) I would suggest getting organic eggs from a local farm. To sterilize the eggs, boil them in water for just 3 mins. Then hide them, and let your dog find them, and they can eat the shell and all! Egg shells are a great source of calcium for dogs! (again, don’t do this if you don’t feel safe doing it!)
We hope you enjoyed our fun Easter Egg Hunt for the dogs. We know they had fun finding the eggs! Happy Easter #Pawdience !