We just want to say thank you to those who died for our freedom, to those who fought for our freedom, and those who are still fighting for our freedom. Freedom isn’t free. It comes at a great cost. Many brave men and women died to keep our country free. We want to thank them. We are proud to be American!
Gone to the Snow Dogs LLC
Stay Positive and Dream Big!
If you love the Siberian Husky breed, you have come to the right channel! From Traveling with your Dogs, Camping with your Dogs, Making DIY Dog Treats, Dog Training Tips and advice, and other dog adventures and Dog videos, we and to help you share a better life with your dog! Our mission here at Gone to the Snow Dogs is to show you what life with your dogs can and should be like!
Get Connected
Mail us at:
P.O.Box 12,
Alpena, MI 49707