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Happy Fan Friday #Pawdience ! For those of you that may be new to Fan Friday, this is the day of the week where we take questions that were posted on our Facebook Page, our Instagram account, and our Twitter account and we answer them for you! If we didn’t get to your question this week, you can always try again next week! Here is a list of the questions we got for this weeks Fan Friday!
- Yes we got a new rug!
- Yes, Oakley’s birthday is coming, and Yes, she will be getting a Birthday video too!
- How do you train your dog to come when called? Train recall?
- What is your opinion on Potty Bells?
- Are dogs beneficial to your Health?
- My dog is overly playful, how can I slow her down?
- How to we teach our dog Potty time is not Playtime?
- My husky puppy spends hours outside and then comes inside and pees! Help?
- What medicine do you give your dogs for flea and heart worm protection?
- Can you do a video of Oakley and Memphis swimming?
Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed our video, please do us a favor and hit that share button to share it with your friends!